From:                              Sonya Hammons

Sent:                               Thursday, February 03, 2011 4:41 PM

To:                                   Sonya Hammons

Subject:                          Grants, international year of the forest, spotting the goldspotted oak borer, and more!

Attachments:                 Goldspotted Oak Borer - dont let it bug you.pdf; SGC Urban Greening Grants Workshop Notice.pdf


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February 3, 2011



Greetings urban forest supporters!


We hope that the trees and communities in your lives are growing well.


We have some exciting bits of news to share with you:


1.    A great source of funding! Strategic Growth Council grants for urban greening.

2.    Happy year of the international forest!

3.    Goldspotted Oak Borer: don’t let it spot you!

4.    CaUFC updates: send us your event information, and help our membership grow, and the latest news links!



1.    A great source of funding! Strategic Growth Council grants for urban greening.

A great source for both local government agencies and non-profits to fund their green dreams! On behalf of the Strategic Growth Council, the California Natural Resources Agency will be administering the second of three rounds of a competitive grant program for urban greening projects and plans. Guidelines and FAQs are available at

Workshops will offered throughout California to help with project eligibility, competitiveness, and grant application preparation. Planned workshop locations include: Anaheim, Oakland, Pasadena, Redding, San Diego, Stockton, Visalia and Watsonville. See the attached workshop notice for details.

All entities applying for project grants will be required to submit a concept proposal form in order to receive an invitation to submit a full application. This form will be available at the workshops and on-line March 31, 2011. We encourage you to participate!

2.    Happy year of the international forest!

The United Nations declared 2011 as the International Year of the Forest! Celebrate forests for people, worldwide, through information available here: The launch was yesterday and you can watch clips of it online, including Edward Norton’s support for the forests!

3.    Goldspotted Oak Borer: don’t let it spot you!

UC Cooperative Extension synthesized a great piece of info to prevent the spread of golden spotted oak borer. This pest can really wreak havoc, so everyone (and especially anyone involved in tree planting and care!) should be aware of this. The document is attached to this message, and we encourage you to share it with your friends in the field. More info on this pesky pest is available here:

4.    CaUFC updates: send us your event information, and help our membership grow!

We’re eager to hear what your city, organization and regional council are doing to strengthen your community’s urban forest. We’d love to hear your updates – they inspire others, and help us learn how we can support you in future projects. We’d love to hear from you!

Want to grow support for urban forestry, for free? Refer a member! Helping us grow our membership is a powerful way to help urban forestry gain the support it needs for secure and sustainable funding throughout the state. Please invite your friends to join us, for free! And remember: our membership contest of a $100 gift certificate for the first three members who get 25 new members to join is well on its way!

Join as a member, for free:

Fun links to tools and headlines:


Oakmapper  - an iphone app to track sudden oak death!

Carbon tree calculator – how much carbon do your trees sequester?

Tree equity – how does urban greening relate to wealth and health?


Many thanks for all that you do to grow trees, communities and more! Please be in touch if you have any questions or news to share.


Best wishes,


Sonya Hammons

Program Director

California Urban Forests Council

Mail: PO Box 823, Novato, CA 94948

Office: 555 Northgate Dr., #225, San Rafael, CA 94903

Ph: 415-479-8733, Fax 415-789-4501

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